
Native Forms - New Salesforce apps you should know about

Each week we will bring you a new app from the Salesforce AppExchange that has caught our attention. This week we are highlighting the powerful Native Forms for Salesforce.

We like to think that we know what makes a good Salesforce app at Relay. Intuitive design, ease of use, incredibly stable and builds upon the already amazing foundation of Salesforce. We are always are on the lookout for apps that will not only transform our workflows but the workflows of our customers and friends. So we'll routinely be bringing you the best of the best from the Salesforce App Exchange.

Today we'll be highlighting Native Forms for Salesforce. This native Salesforce application, that's currently free as an early adopter, has already transformed the way we collect and intake customer information into our Salesforce environment while preserving our existing workflows and rules.

Think of the scenario -- you need vital customer information to help keep your project moving. You could use any number of third-party apps to create a form, send the form along, wait for the customer to provide input and then manually copy and paste over their answers. It's a time consuming task that slows down the entire process. Instead you could build out a form within Native Forms, link the answer fields to fields within your Salesforce and then have the customer dynamically update the designated fields in Salesforce. The information is updated and you have saved hours without touching a single external tool.

Let's take a look at how it works:

Building Your Form

Building your form with Native Forms could not be simpler and in fact, not a single line of code is needed. Using the drag-and-drop editor, you just need to select your Object Type and then away you go. You're able to drag any available object field to your form and customize your form to meet your brand's exact needs using images, background colors and logos.

Sending the Form

Perhaps our favorite feature of Native Forms is how it allows your clients and customers to interact with your created forms. There are three ways, "Link", "Action" and "Process."

With "Link", you are able to simply send along the link, but the true power comes along in how the incoming data will affect your Salesforce data. You can dictate whether the receiver of that link is creating a record, updating an existing record, creating a child record or updating an existing record from a lookup. This allows you to have full control over how that information is modifying your existing Salesforce environment.

With "Action", this allows your internal Salesforce users to send the form straight from the record page using the Native Forms lightning component.. For instance if you know that your sales reps will always need to send the same form to clients, this allows you to create the form and then have it easily accessible for your reps to send when needed.

With "Process", you're able to send the form automatically based upon a field change. If you are consistently sending the same intake form to clients once you label a customer as "Closed Won", with "Process" you are able to have that form send automatically when you change the stage to "Closed Won." This puts your forms on autopilot and prevents any lapses during the onboarding process.

We love Native Forms for how simple, yet powerful it is at solving an unnecessarily cumbersome task. It reduces the friction between you and your clients and allows the client to update only the information you want them to update in Salesforce without the back and forth using any third-party tools. It has radically transformed how we keep our client information up-to-date and we think it will do the same for you.

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