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Healthcare Solutions

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Salesforce's Impact on the Future of Healthcare

The healthcare industry has always been at the forefront of innovation, constantly adapting and exploring new ways to improve patient care and outcomes. In recent years, technology has played a pivotal role in driving these advancements. One company that stands out in revolutionizing healthcare through technology is Salesforce. With its suite of powerful solutions, Salesforce has made a significant impact on the future of healthcare.

Salesforce's Solutions for Healthcare

Salesforce recognized the immense potential for technology to transform healthcare and developed a range of solutions tailored specifically for the industry.

  1. Health Cloud: Salesforce Health Cloud is a comprehensive patient management system that enables healthcare providers to have a complete view of their patients' health information. It consolidates data from various sources, such as EHRs, wearables, and patient-reported data, into a single platform. This holistic view allows healthcare professionals to make informed decisions, provide personalized care, and improve patient outcomes.
  2. Service Cloud: Salesforce Service Cloud empowers healthcare providers to deliver exceptional patient service. It enables seamless communication and collaboration between patients, healthcare providers, and support staff, ensuring timely and accurate responses to inquiries, appointment scheduling, and post-care follow-ups. The streamlined communication enhances patient satisfaction and engagement, ultimately leading to better healthcare outcomes.
  3. Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud helps healthcare organizations personalize their marketing efforts, engage with patients on a more personal level, and build strong relationships. With targeted marketing campaigns, organizations can educate patients about preventive care, promote wellness programs, and raise awareness about available healthcare services. This increased engagement and education can lead to earlier diagnosis, proactive interventions, and healthier patient populations.
  4. Analytics Cloud: Salesforce Analytics Cloud offers actionable insights into healthcare data, allowing organizations to identify trends, assess performance, and make data-driven decisions. By leveraging real-time and historical data, healthcare providers can identify gaps in care, track patient outcomes, and continuously improve their services. These analytics enable healthcare organizations to optimize workflows, improve patient satisfaction, and reduce costs.

The Benefits of Integrating Salesforce in Healthcare

The integration of Salesforce's solutions in the healthcare industry brings numerous benefits, both for the healthcare providers and the patients they serve.

  1. Improved Efficiency: Salesforce's solutions automate manual processes, minimize paperwork, and streamline administrative tasks. This frees up valuable time for healthcare professionals to focus on delivering quality care without being burdened by administrative duties. The reduced administrative workload also improves productivity and reduces the chances of errors.
  2. Enhanced Patient Engagement: Salesforce's patient-centric solutions empower individuals to actively participate in managing their health. Patients can access their medical records, make appointments, and communicate with their healthcare providers through secure portals or mobile applications. This level of engagement leads to better health outcomes through improved adherence to treatment plans and increased patient satisfaction.
  3. Seamless Collaboration: Salesforce's cloud-based solutions facilitate seamless collaboration and communication among healthcare professionals, regardless of their physical location. This allows for more efficient care coordination, timely consultations, and shared decision-making, resulting in better patient outcomes. The ability to easily share information and collaborate with specialists can be particularly valuable in complex cases or when seeking second opinions.
  4. Data-driven Decision Making: With Salesforce's powerful analytics tools, healthcare providers can extract meaningful insights from vast amounts of data. This data-driven approach enables healthcare organizations to identify trends, monitor performance, and make informed decisions to improve care quality and operational efficiency. By leveraging real-time analytics, providers can also identify opportunities for early intervention and preventive care.

The Future of Healthcare Innovation with Salesforce

Salesforce's impact on the future of healthcare remains promising. As technology continues to evolve, Salesforce is well-positioned to drive further innovation in the industry.

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): Salesforce is investing in AI and ML capabilities to enhance healthcare experiences and outcomes. These technologies can help analyze patient data, identify patterns, and provide personalized recommendations for treatment. AI-powered chatbots can also assist patients in finding appropriate healthcare resources, answering frequently asked questions, and providing support during non-office hours.
  2. Internet of Things (IoT): The integration of Salesforce with IoT devices holds great potential in healthcare. By collecting real-time data from wearables and other IoT devices, healthcare providers can monitor patients remotely, detect early warning signs, and intervene proactively. This proactive approach has the potential to reduce hospital readmissions, improve chronic disease management, and enhance overall patient well-being.
  3. Personalized Medicine: Salesforce's robust platform allows for the aggregation and analysis of vast amounts of patient data. This data can be used to develop personalized treatment plans and interventions based on individual patient characteristics, genetic information, and past medical history. Personalized medicine holds promise for more targeted and effective therapies, ultimately improving patient outcomes.
  4. Population Health Management: Salesforce's solutions enable healthcare organizations to analyze population health data, identify at-risk individuals, and devise preventive strategies. By proactively addressing the health needs of specific populations, healthcare providers can improve individual and community health outcomes while reducing costly emergency room visits and hospitalizations.

Salesforce's impact on the future of healthcare is undeniable. By providing innovative solutions tailored to the unique needs of the industry, Salesforce is driving innovation, improving efficiency, enhancing patient engagement, and enabling data-driven decision-making. As technology continues to evolve, Salesforce will continue to play a crucial role in shaping the future of healthcare by embracing AI, IoT, personalized medicine, and population health management. The future of healthcare is bright with Salesforce driving innovation at its core.

The Power of Salesforce in Healthcare: Optimizing Patient Care with Patient Portals

In recent years, the healthcare industry has witnessed a remarkable transformation with the integration of technology. One such technology that has revolutionized healthcare operations is Salesforce. Salesforce, a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform, has proven to be a game-changer in many sectors, including healthcare.

Salesforce offers a wide range of tools and features specifically designed for the healthcare industry. One of the most impactful applications is the patient portal. Patient portals are secure online platforms that allow patients to access their medical information, communicate with healthcare providers, schedule appointments, and much more. By utilizing Salesforce patient portals, healthcare organizations can optimize patient care and enhance overall efficiency.

How patients benefit from a Salesforce portal

Patient portals have become an essential component of modern healthcare systems. They serve as a bridge between patients and healthcare providers, facilitating seamless communication and information exchange. With the help of patient portals, patients can access their health records, review test results, and request prescription refills from the comfort of their own homes.

Patient portals enable healthcare providers to streamline administrative tasks, freeing up valuable time for patient care. Through the portal, providers can securely communicate with patients, share educational materials, and manage appointment schedules. This enhanced level of engagement and accessibility not only improves patient satisfaction but also promotes better health outcomes.

Benefits of using Salesforce patient portals

The utilization of Salesforce patient portals brings forth numerous benefits for both patients and healthcare providers. Firstly, patient portals improve patient engagement by empowering individuals to actively participate in their healthcare journey. Patients can access relevant medical information, track progress, and communicate with their care team, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability.

Secondly, Salesforce patient portals enhance communication and collaboration between patients and healthcare providers. The portal serves as a centralized hub, ensuring that all relevant parties have access to accurate and up-to-date information. This promotes better care coordination, reduces the risk of medical errors, and ultimately leads to improved patient outcomes.

Furthermore, patient portals integrated with Salesforce offer advanced data analytics capabilities. This allows healthcare organizations to gather valuable insights into patient behavior, preferences, and treatment outcomes. By leveraging this data, healthcare providers can make informed decisions, personalize patient care, and identify areas for improvement within their organizations.

Features of an integrated patient portal

An integrated patient portal powered by Salesforce offers a comprehensive set of features that cater specifically to the needs of healthcare organizations. These features include:

  1. Secure access to medical records: Patients can securely access their medical records, including lab results, imaging reports, and medication history. This empowers them to stay informed and actively participate in their healthcare decisions.
  2. Appointment scheduling: Patients can conveniently schedule appointments, view availability, and receive automated reminders. This feature not only improves patient satisfaction but also optimizes the utilization of healthcare resources.
  3. Secure messaging: Through the patient portal, patients can communicate securely with their healthcare providers, eliminating the need for phone calls or in-person visits for non-urgent matters. This feature enhances convenience and accessibility.
  4. Prescription management: Patients can request prescription refills, view medication instructions, and set reminders for medication adherence. This streamlines the medication management process, reducing the risk of errors and improving patient safety.
  5. Educational resources: Patient portals offer a platform to share educational materials such as articles, videos, and interactive tools. This empowers patients to take a proactive approach to their health and make informed decisions.

Customizing a Salesforce patient portal for your healthcare organization

One of the key advantages of Salesforce patient portals is their flexibility and customizability. Healthcare organizations can tailor the patient portal to align with their unique requirements and branding. Customization options include:

  1. Branding: Healthcare organizations can customize the patient portal with their logo, colors, and other branding elements. This creates a seamless experience for patients and reinforces the organization's identity.
  2. User interface: The user interface of the patient portal can be customized to match the organization's desired look and feel. This ensures a cohesive and intuitive user experience for patients.
  3. Functionalities: Salesforce patient portals can be customized to include specific functionalities that cater to the organization's workflows and processes. This ensures that the patient portal integrates seamlessly with existing systems and enhances operational efficiency.

To customize a Salesforce patient portal, healthcare organizations can work with experienced Salesforce consultants who specialize in healthcare solutions. These consultants can guide organizations through the customization process, ensuring that the patient portal meets their unique needs and requirements.

Improving patient care through Salesforce patient portals

Implementing Salesforce patient portals has a direct impact on improving patient care. By leveraging the features and capabilities of the patient portal, healthcare organizations can enhance patient engagement, communication, and outcomes.

Firstly, patient engagement is improved through the accessibility and convenience offered by the patient portal. Patients can access their health information at any time, empowering them to take an active role in managing their health. This increased engagement leads to better adherence to treatment plans, improved patient satisfaction, and better health outcomes.

Secondly, communication between patients and healthcare providers is streamlined through the patient portal. Patients can securely message their providers, ask questions, and receive timely responses. This eliminates the need for phone calls or in-person visits for non-urgent matters, saving time for both patients and providers. The ability to communicate directly with their care team promotes trust, transparency, and continuity of care.

Lastly, Salesforce patient portals enable healthcare organizations to leverage data analytics to drive improvements in patient care. By analyzing patient data, organizations can identify patterns, trends, and gaps in care. This allows them to proactively address potential issues, personalize treatment plans, and deliver targeted interventions. The insights gained from data analytics empower healthcare organizations to continuously improve their care delivery processes and enhance patient outcomes.

Best practices for implementing a Salesforce patient portal

Implementing a Salesforce patient portal requires careful planning and execution. To ensure a successful implementation, healthcare organizations should follow these best practices:

  1. Define clear goals: Clearly define the goals and objectives of implementing a patient portal. Identify the key metrics that will be used to measure the success of the implementation.
  2. Involve stakeholders: Engage all relevant stakeholders, including patients, healthcare providers, IT teams, and administrators, in the planning and implementation process. Their input and buy-in are crucial for a successful rollout.
  3. Train and educate: Provide comprehensive training and education to both patients and healthcare providers on how to effectively use the patient portal. This ensures that all users can maximize the benefits of the portal and overcome any potential barriers to adoption.
  4. Ensure data security and privacy: Implement robust security measures to protect patient data and ensure compliance with relevant regulations, such as HIPAA. This includes encryption, access controls, and regular security audits.
  5. Monitor and evaluate: Continuously monitor the usage and performance of the patient portal. Gather feedback from patients and providers to identify areas for improvement and address any issues promptly.

By following these best practices, healthcare organizations can optimize the implementation of a Salesforce patient portal and maximize its impact on patient care.

The future of patient care with Salesforce patient portals

Salesforce patient portals have emerged as a powerful tool in the healthcare industry, transforming the way patients and providers interact and collaborate. By providing patients with secure access to their health information, facilitating communication, and supporting data-driven decision-making, Salesforce patient portals have the potential to revolutionize patient care.

As healthcare organizations embrace the digital transformation, the utilization of Salesforce patient portals will become increasingly prevalent. The benefits of enhanced patient engagement, streamlined communication, and personalized care are too significant to ignore. With Salesforce patient portals, healthcare organizations can optimize patient care, improve outcomes, and ultimately create a more patient-centric healthcare system.

To unlock the power of Salesforce patient portals for your healthcare organization, contact to get started.

What industries benefit from Salesforce?
Whether you are in healthcare, automotive or manufacturing; Salesforce has a solution for you. We will run down the exact solution you need based on your industry.

By now most people know "Salesforce" or at the very least they are aware of the San Fransisco-based tech behemoth. But depending on who you ask, the answer to "What is Salesforce?" could be drastically different. Yes, it is the #1 CRM (customer relationship management) platform that enables organizations to work in tandem to serve their customers. But that's really only the tip of Salesforce's capabilities. Salesforce is capable of being the backbone of any industry, no matter how large or small. To serve specific industries, Salesforce has released a variety of "clouds" that can be purchased ad-hoc to be added to the core of Salesforce's CRM platform.

Now the offerings can get a bit confusing and some features overlap, but we are going to run through the benefits of each so you know exactly how each cloud can serve your business' unique needs.


Salesforce's Financial Services Cloud takes the capabilities of Salesforce and reimagines it to address the specific needs of those in the financial industry. Whether you are a financial institution, insurance agency, or wealth management firm; Salesforce Financial Services Cloud gives you a 360-degree holistic view of your client's history. If you're in Investment Banking, you can manage customer pipelines and collaborate with deal teams without ever leaving the platform. If you're in the Insurance industry, you can unite insurers and policyholders like never before. Offering a comprehensive view of each policyholder, the Salesforce Financial Cloud enriches service reps with customer information so they can spend more time assisting instead of searching for information.


If you're in the manufacturing industry, you guessed it, Salesforce has made a cloud custom-tailored to you. Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud allows business to take their antiquated systems and modernize them with AI-powered automation. Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud includes prebuilt objects and processes that allow you to start utilizing it straight out of the box. Since manufacturers often work with external suppliers and dealers, Manufacturing Cloud allows you to easily communicate and collaborate with the vendors straight from the platform. Countless manufacturing companies rely on the Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud to operationalize their business and the platform is only gaining in popularity.

Health Care

Perhaps the biggest beneficiaries of Salesforce's power are those in the healthcare industry. Consistently named the #1 healthcare CRM, Salesforce Health Cloud allows healthcare providers to get a 360-degree view of their entire organization; from the back office to their patient's journey all existing on one platform. Additionally, simplified onboarding and personalized experiences allow providers to connect to their patients in a way they never have previously. Salesforce Health Cloud allows you to connect all your disparate health data sources into one unified system that allows providers to do what they do best, provide help to those in need.


Salesforce's Nonprofit Cloud takes the CRM and reimagines it to cater to the unique demands of nonprofits all over the world. From fundraising to marketing to grantmaking, the Nonprofit Cloud allows nonprofits to innovate on one platform that provides a single source of truth for their entire organization. Organizations on Salesforce's Nonprofit Cloud have seen a 110% increase in Total Online Giving, 400 additional calls served every month, and 62% decrease in client intake time.* This allows for increased flexibility and catering to those who need it most. 


When we say that every industry can benefit from Salesforce, we truly mean every single industry. That includes the massive automotive industry with Salesforce's Automotive Management. A platform that unites both dealers and customers, it allows manufacturers to streamline the journey from OEM to the aftermarket. This allows dealers to offer a simple buying solution as well as track ownership history, vehicle issues, vehicle recalls, and warranties to ensure that’s their customers are always informed. Having one centralized platform allows for increased customer retention and gives OEMs a glimpse into emerging growth opportunities.

That's really the true power of the Salesforce platform. The same platform that allows for streamlined hospital patient intake also allows for automotive manufacturers to keep track of their customer's vehicle warranties. So if you're asking — "Which industries can benefit from Salesforce?" The answer is very clear; all industries.




How to Extract Insights From Medical Text in Salesforce Health Cloud
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Check out our Quickbyte video on this solution.

Healthcare providers have largely transitioned to electronic health records and digital patient management systems like Epic. With a greater focus on value-based care, it's become important to reduce readmission and improve patient outcomes while driving down costs. Provider's using Salesforce Health Cloud have the distinct advantage of having their patient management system built right into the Salesforce platform. They enjoy the versatility and scalable nature of the Salesforce platform, making it easy to innovate and experiment with new technologies like the Amazon Comprehend Medical API.

Adding AI to Salesforce Health Cloud

Extracting medical information from unstructured text

Amazon Comprehend Medical is a HIPAA-eligible API that uses machine learning to extract health data from unstructured medical text, like nursing notes. Through a custom integration with Salesforce Health Cloud, we can quickly and accurately extract and identify health data such as:

  • Medical Conditions
  • Medications
  • Dosages
  • Test
  • Treatments & Procedures
  • Protected Health Information

Amazon Comprehend Medical is a self-contained AWS service that requires no servers or machine learning models to train, so it's easy to incorporate into custom Salesforce apps in Health Cloud. This service can be used throughout the entire healthcare lifecycle, from admission to point-of-care, through coding and billing.

Medical Insights from Nursing Notes

Symptoms in nursing notes highlighted by the app

Salesforce Health Cloud includes many options for properly recording structured medical information like symptoms, medications, and diagnoses. There are still sources of patient information, such as nursing notes, that are often unstructured and in a narrative format. They often include observations made by a nurse or doctor during their rounds or consultations. These notes can contain important information that may have been missed or improperly entered elsewhere in the patient management system.

With Amazon Comprehend Medical, we can develop intelligent applications that can interpret nursing notes and highlight important information. For example, during a patient checkup, Nurse Davis noted that Natalia had a cough and was fatigued. These symptoms may not have been recorded on the patient chart but using the Amazon Comprehend Medical service and our smart Health Cloud application can highlight the symptoms in the note to both remind Nurse Davis to enter them in the appropriate location or call attention to other practitioners about symptoms noted in prior visits.

Comprehend Medical & Salesforce Health Cloud Use Cases

The versatility and power of this API can have a significant and beneficial impact for patients and providers. The use cases range from point-of-care medical insights, compliance, and billing.

Clinical Trial Medical Cohort Analysis

Thanks to Amazon Comprehend Medical's exceptional ability to understand and identify complex medical information, including abbreviations, it can be used to identify or disqualify candidates for clinical trials. Patient recruitment efforts can be significantly simplified, reducing the costly steps required by manual selection processes.

Early Diagnosis and Clinical Decision Support

Proactive healthcare, powered by AI, will transform the medical landscape. Using the Amazon Comprehend Medical service, we can develop apps in Salesforce Health Cloud that aggregate medical information from patient data, extract diagnoses and symptoms from their medical history, and provide an early warning system for diseases such as multiple sclerosis.

Streamline Medical Coding

Even in highly structured patient management systems, like Salesforce Health Cloud, critical patient information can is missed leading to incorrect coding and billing issues. With the Comprehend Medical API, we can develop apps that can automatically extract ICD-10 codes from medical notes and correlate them with billed procedures.

Protect Patient Information

Patient data will continue to grow as we move all healthcare systems to digital platforms. Safeguarding patient information should be at the forefront of all healthcare provider's IT goals. The Comprehend Medical API can automatically detect PHI, giving your organization the certainty that you are protecting your patient's information.

If you are interested in learning more about innovative ways to integrate Salesforce Health Cloud with the Amazon Comprehend API please reach out or chat with us by clicking the chat bubble to your right.

Client Story
How Labor First Uses Salesforce Communities to Create a Retiree Healthcare Exchange
Digital Experience: How Labor First Uses Salesforce Communities to Create a Retiree Healthcare Exchange

Labor First has been providing customized health benefit solutions for the retiree market for over 15 years.

With the help of Sales Cloud, Community Cloud, and the AppExchange, the company has achieved 100% customer retention while growing into the largest privately owned healthcare exchange for the multi-employer marketplace.

“There was a bursting need for someone to come into the senior market and not only help structure healthcare solutions for them but also advocate on their behalf for the rest of their lives, so they could really make the most of the retirement experience” - John Dulczak, Chairman & CEO.

From prospecting, generating carrier quotes, benefit comparisons, and enrollments, everything is done on the Salesforce platform. When they chose to move their paper based member enrollment process online, they chose Relay to make sure the initiative was successful.

The new healthcare exchange and enrollment solution was design for Salesforce Community Cloud and integrated with their existing Salesforce solutions to provide a 360-degree view of their members.

The new Community helped them deliver personalized experiences to their customers in a secure and mobile-ready application. Plan participants can quickly log in with their information already preloaded, thanks to the Customer 360 approach. They can select from eligible plan offerings that are tailored for each organization and member according to their location, demographics, and plan options.

Participants can get instant rate quotes, compare plans side by side, and set up automatic premium payments. With Service Cloud, dedicated advocates are available to connect with members for one-on-one help in completing the process.

“We had no idea we could build something like this with Community Cloud. Earlier estimates to build a solution from scatch exceeded a million dollars. Relay design the community solution for a fraction of the cost and we were up and running in 3 months.” - David Zawrotny, COO
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